Homemade Snickers Bars

By Leite's Culinaria
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Butter (for the pan)
8 ounces milk chocolate ((preferably Valrhona), chopped)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup water
1/3 cup heavy cream (at room temperature)
6 ounces white chocolate ((preferably Valrhona), chopped)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup salted peanuts (preferably Virginia peanuts)

  • Prep Time25mins
  • Cook Time35mins
  • Servings18


Line the bottom and sides of an 8 1/2-by-4 1/2-inch loaf pan with parchment paper or foil. Lightly butter the paper or foil.

Place the milk chocolate in a small heatproof bowl set over (but not touching) simmering water and stir until the chocolate is smooth and completely melted. Pour half the milk chocolate into the prepared loaf pan and spread it evenly with a spatula. Set the rest of the melted milk chocolate aside. Place the loaf pan in the freezer until the milk chocolate is cold to the touch, about 45 minutes.

After the milk chocolate in the loaf pan is cold and firm, make the caramel layer. In a large saucepan over low heat, combine the sugar and water. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is dissolved and the liquid is clear, about 1 minute.

Increase the heat to medium-high and boil, without stirring, for 3 to 5 minutes, until the sugar begins to turn golden brown on the edges.

Cook for 2 to 3 minutes more, gently and continually tilting the pan over the heat to swirl the mixture and ensure the color of the caramel is even, until the sugar turns deep amber. Immediately remove the pan from the heat.

As soon as you pull the caramel from the heat, slowly and carefully add the cream, which may splatter and steam when it comes in contact with the hot caramel. Stir until well blended.

Add the white chocolate and salt and stir until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. Add the peanuts and stir until blended. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly.

Pour the slightly cooled peanut caramel mixture over the cooled milk chocolate in the loaf pan and spread it evenly. Freeze until cold and firm, about 45 minutes.

Once the layer is cold, make the next layer by gently reheating the remaining milk chocolate over boiling water, pour it over the peanut caramel layer, and spread it evenly. Refrigerate or freeze for 20 to 30 minutes, until very cold.

Using the parchment paper or foil pan liner, transfer the candy to a work surface. Peel away the paper or foil. Using a large knife, trim the uneven edges and cut the giant Snickers bar lengthwise into 1 1/2-inch-wide bars. Cut each bar into 9 pieces. Store your Snickers bars in a resealable container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. (As if Snickers bars would last that long in plain view!)
